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Circle Cleanse

A 6 week refresher for your mind, body, and spirit

Spring edition

Live April 19, 2024

This cleanse is designed for women.

Can you relate to any of this?

  • Feeling tired ALL the time no matter how much sleep you get or coffee you drink?

  • Feeling defeated by your growing list of to-dos & “ought” to dos with little motivation or inspiration?

  • Feeling blah in your body and not sure how to think or be to feel differently, let alone feel better (if that is even possible)?

  • Feeling straight up uncomfortable with daily “-aches” and pains ranging from a rumble in your tummy to throbbing in your head?

  • Feeling stuck in a rut around food and being hijacked by your cravings?

  • Feeling like your brain is floating in a fog unable to focus?

  • Feeling the urgency of all your competing “priorities” vying for your attention?

  • Feeling like something is just out of whack keeping you from feeling good?

  • Feeling dissatisfied with your chronic stress you call “life”?


If you answered a resounding "yes!" then it's time to circle around.

Circle Cleanse is nourishing cleanse that elevates the WHOLE body by supporting optimal function and listening to your innate wisdom. The focus it to enhance wellness, to celebrate how amazing your body is, and to restore superior function by providing deep care and attention.

Circle Cleanse is your opportunity to….

  • Get a fresh start to the new year.

  • Hit the much needed reset button.

  • Let go of patterns and habits that do not serve you.

  • Support and celebrate your highest self.

  • Approach life with healthy body, clear mind, and a full spirit.

  • Vision for a harmonious future.

After doing the cleanse I could see that my slower pace needs to be honored. From that slowing I can move more wisely into my day to day. The ritual of the teas and tinctures started my day wonderfully and I would really feel different. I was more at peace, less angry. I am deeply looking at my health and making shifts for the better. Circle Cleanse was a deep, magical, and informative experience that is a must to set you on a path to health integration!
— Sarah V.


What you’ll get:

  • A cleanse package containing supplements and supplies for liver support, nervous system support, and adrenal support including tinctures, teas, and flower essences or essential oil.

  • Dietary guidelines and resources to fully nourish your body with nutrients and minerals vital for every cell.

  • Weekly recorded lessons and guided exercises (60-75 minutes for 6 weeks) to deepen your body knowledge to establish lifelong foundations of healthful living. Each week we will explore a group of body systems, emotional focus, and activities to help initiate a mindset of wellness. You can listen at your own pace nestled perfect into your schedule.

  • Community Page Access to answer questions, and get needed support from Dr. Jennifer and other women in the group.

  • Health pearls from a naturopathic doctor.


What you’ll gain:

  • A clear understanding of what your body needs to be well.

  • A master reset to engage your body in massive healing at a cellular level.

  • Life long tools for self renewal.

  • A framework for daily health beyond the cleanse.

  • A deeper connection and better relationship to your body, your health, and your wellbeing.

  • A deeper connection between your body, mind, and spirit.

  • New insights into what YOUR body needs.

  • A community of other women committed to their health and wellbeing.


Join Circle Cleanse

{spring edition}

Ready to feel your best?


Feel Better and Achieve Greatness

When our body is physically suffering we are limited in what we can do; limited in what we are motivated to do; and limited in what we envision for future ourselves. Feeling better is not about being “able” or being “perfect” it is about bathing every cell of your body in goodness so you can:

LIVE your most peaceful life.

FULFILL your hearts calling.


FEEL free.

I loved the sequence of the cleanse. I enjoyed being part of a group. All the materials and thinking behind everything was wonderful. The cleanse increased my awareness of my patterns of eating, gratitude, joy, connection to the Earth and exercise. Each session was a breath of fresh air to my day.
— Jamie C


The Feel better Side Effects of the Circle Cleanse include:

  • Improved energy

  • Restful sleep

  • Improved digestion

  • Trend toward optimized weight (loss or gain, depending on what your body needs)

  • Stabilize mood- with increased joy

  • Clear skin

  • Decreased overall inflammation

  • Increased inspiration and motivation



Your Circle Guide

JENNIFER SILAPIE, N.D.Physician and founder of HeraWoman


Physician and founder of HeraWoman

I believe transformational healing happens when people courageously engage their daily lives with the utmost care, love and nourishment.

This transformational healing is a sense of wholeness and contentment. I believe that when this is present our true gifts shine and our hearts are ever radiant.

As a naturopathic physician I get the privilege of working with people who are simply burned out and exhausted. I work to restore their hormones, balance moods, restore digestion, and calm the inflammation stored in their bodies. After thousands of patients, I have seen common themes. I have common tools I use to educate people. This cleanse is the foundation to brilliant health. Everyone needs their own unique support but what this cleanse offers is the rock solid foundation to any successful plan for a future of stellar health and a radiant heart.

I want people to feel better. Plain and simple

I sincerely want peoples’ lives chalk-full of healthy so that they can spend more time doing what they love with ease & feeling purposeful instead of feeling bogged down with discontent and disease.  I want this for you. I want this for me.  I want this for our shared community.

If you want true and deep healing that is lasting and empowering then you need an unshakeable (yet dynamic) foundation. Meet Circle cleanse. Let me be your guide.


Circle Cleanse Week by Week

Each week the Circle Cleanse will build upon itself with a supported self-study. Each week will follow the TREE method: Teach. Reflect. Explore. Expand.
Below is the general flow of our weeks together.


Week 1

  • Introductions

  • Encompassing the cleanse

  • The whole body as one

  • Clearing and cleansing intentions


Week 4

  • Rest and restore

  • Immune & Upper Endocrine (hormone) System

  • True listening

  • Embrace “lazy”


Week 2

  • Body and Soul nutrition

  • Digestion & Detoxification

  • Nourishment and security

  • “The craving”


Week 5

  • Toxic exposures

  • Lower Endocrine (hormone)

  • Embrace Discernment

  • “Baby” yourself


Week 3

  • Body Currents and Flow

  • Lymphatic system, nervous system and kidney

  • Physical and emotional energy

  • Free Tension Dams


Week 6

  • Connecting with Joy

  • Nervous System

  • Life in Balance

  • Your higher self awaits

Do it!
I think understanding what’s going on in your body and educating yourself is very helpful for making healthy choices. It was very interesting learning about the different systems of the body and how they all work together. To achieve my health goals, stress has to be addressed. It was helpful being in community with others and learning from their stories. I truly felt loved and cared for by Dr. Jen.
— Sarah Z.


Spring Edition

Circle cleanse is designed to honor our body’s needs that change with the seasons. Spring is a time to embrace creativity, foster ideas and insights and emerge from “hibernation”. Spring contains a lot of “change” energy allowing us to burst forth. Change can feel uncomfortable for many people, and shifting from a sleepy energy to a more stimulated energy can use some harmonizing. In the spring cleanse we focus on letting go of some of our winter habits. We also focus on harnessing our energy, setting intentions, and letting the birth of our new year unfold. Spring is a celebration of vitality.



Available & Live: April 19,2024


{Supported Self Study}


Activate your empowered Self

Circle Cleanse



The Heart and Soul of Your Cleanse Care Package:

TEA: Curated blend of organic herbs that are designed to target the liver. This tea is filled with roots, and hints of sweetness. This full-bodied blend provides a rich flavor to start your day, but doesn’t have caffeine so can be sipped on throughout the day. This blend can be taken in warm or cold.

FLOWER ESSENCE: Flower essences provide a beautiful and gentle energetic shift to our frame of mind and well being. I use flower essences from both The Flower Essence Society and Bach. When choosing an essence I consider grounding, nervous system, letting go, and flowers that support transitions.

UNDAS: A powerful yet gentle medicinal combination of herbal tincture and homeopathic remedies that physiologically target our organ systems to encourage cellular detoxification at both the physical and also the emotional level. It is the most powerful tool I have to really let go and facilitate a deep healing shift. In this cleanse I use Undas to target the digestive tract and nervous system.

GEMMOTHERAPY and/or PHYTO-GENS: These medicinals come from the young buds and shoots of a plant. These are rich in bioactive components of the plants. These remedies deliver to you a concentrated dose of the plants’ vital force. In this cleanse I use Gemmos or Phytogens to support your adrenals.

BODY NOURISHMENT: I have put together several resources and guidelines to help keep you on track with what to eat and drink and how to feel supported during this cleanse. Everyone needs to start somewhere. The focus is nutrient dense whole foods to nourish you from the inside out. There is no one diet fits all, but there are definitely foods we all consume that do not serve us. This cleanse helps you to add more of what your body really craves.

CELEBRATION: This cleanse is more than what you physically put in your body. It is also about how you use your body. How you share your body. How you honor your body. How you rest your body. Now re-read that substituting “body” with “mind” or even with “spirit”. You are complex. AND you are so amazing. Our time together will help key in to deep celebration.




Will I feel better from doing this cleanse?

Most likely. This is our hope as much as yours.

What if I don’t feel better?

It took decades to feel the way you feel, and so it can take time to unravel that and make a pretty bow. Sometimes a cleanse can stir things up to show you what really needs the most urgent attention. I encourage you to seek additional help if you are getting flares in your symptoms.

Do I need to participate in the community?

Only if you want to get the most from this cleanse. This cleanse is designed to teach you the foundations to good health, help hold you accountable, and also to provide you with support. The community offers a place for you gain accountability and support from other cleansers. I also will pop in and answer questions and check in to see you are doing.

Can men do this cleanse too?

Sure! The cleanse was originally designed for women addressing common life experiences of women. But after careful consideration everyone would benefit.

Do I have to take the supplements?

The supplements are included with the cleanse to support your body and facilitate detoxification. You can choose not use them, but they are not refundable.

Are these supplements provided with the contraindicated for any people?

That is really a conversation to have with your doctor. These specific medicinals have been curated to be gentle (yet powerful) and should not affect any other medications or negatively affect any medical conditions. I always use caution in people with bleeding disorders and pregnancy. The flower essence, Undas, Gemmos and Phyto-gens are in an alcohol base, and delivered via drops (not teaspoons or droppers). However, as such, this still may not be desirable for people intentionally abstaining from alcohol containing substances. Everything is in liquid form and can be adjusted for tolerance.

What if I like the results of the cleanse and want more one on one support?

Healthy living does not stop with the cleanse. Getting support for your health goals are always encouraged. If you like Dr. Silapie’s approach you can schedule with her at mountainsagemedicine.com.

I am already working with another naturopathic doctor, will this cleanse interfere with the work I am already doing?

Nope. If anything it will enhance your work together.

Do I need to be a patient of Dr. Silapie to do this cleanse?


If I am already a patient of Dr. Silapie will I still benefit from doing a cleanse?

Yes. It is always good to have reminders of how to bring your body into balance. Repetition is the key to really learning something. I hope to see you. Doing this cleanse is a way to get a little deeper coaching and understanding than can be covered in a regular appointment.

What if I am already on a prescribed diet?

No problem. This cleanse is also designed to help support you with adhering to the basic principles of whatever healthy diet you are on. If you don’t have a prescribed diet then this cleanse lays the framework for clean eating. All supplements are without animal products.

Why is there an add-on package and what is this?

The add-on package is extra nutritional support that I think is important for most people to have. It is not included with the base cleanse because many people already have nutritional products that they are using. This add-on is a great fit for someone looking for professional grade nutrients, or someone who isn’t taking other supplements. These are my baseline supplements for general health that I have found over the years that most people are either deficient or can benefit from.


Copyright 2024 | Hera Woman